doTERRA Console - Comforting Blend (Image © Yoga Robin®)

The next topic is on anxiety. Whether it rises its head in the physical body, emotional body or spiritual realm, calming it is the focus of much of integrative health. Stress and anxiety are known to be causes of disease and strife in life.

anxiety touches sacrifice, sorrow and fear

I touched on this topic of sacrifice with Arborvitae and Citrus Bliss, of allowing the creative feminine to be optimally expressive with Whisper™, of dissolving anger culminating with Forgive and of soothing an aching body with Deep Blue® since pain can breed anxiety through fears when you're in pain.

My favorite go-to essential oil for anxiety is Console (Comforting Blend). It's a proprietary blend by doTERRA that's meant to soothe feelings of sorrow and grief and promote uplifting feelings of peace and hope.

old emotions resurfacing

For me, calm and stillness come after soothing feelings that get in the way of the natural uplifting side of me, of peace and hope. Coming to calmness or stillness is not as simple as reaching for a common essential oil that is known to promote relaxation such as Lavender. (I’ve tried it, thinking ‘maybe it can be’; I was in denial. It didn’t last.) It was debunked easily and as simply as the moon rising up and shining upon me, sometimes resurfacing past hurts.

The oil blend that I naturally gravitate toward now when given the choice of many, Console, is emotionally comforting. Born out of simple frustration of waiting or from a passionate storm within the heart or mind, there is a way to ease the burdens and rest peacefully.

This essential oil blend contains: Frankincense, Patchouli, Ylang Ylang, Labdanum, Amyris, Sandalwood, Rose, Osmanthus.

Frankincense is what I gravitate toward first each morning before yoga to put directly on my spine from top to bottom as it helps to promote feelings of spiritual balance—protection from great insecurities that get unleashed in twists and deep forward bends. It quells my impatience that I hold in my breath. Patchouli is grounding yet sedating at reducing anxiousness, a direct precursor to calm.

Ylang Ylang offers the anti-depressive property that may accompany anxiousness, and acts as a blanket to console it. Labdanum is said to be stimulating to the emotions and soothing to the nerves. Amyris and Sandalwood both harmonize through balancing emotions. Just the grounding scent alone induces a cue to remembering the power of this invaluable quality that leads to stillness.  

Rose activates the heart and elevates the mind, well-being leading the way to love. Osmanthus is aromatic and well-known in Traditional Chinese Medicine for cleansing. This blend as a whole contributes to hormone and emotional balance.

be patient on your spiritual path

That's the nature of anxiety—the need to do something more in order to make things happen. This oil reminds one of innate patience, which follows the feeling of comfort.

Anxiety stems from an imbalanced nervous system. I wrote about this extensively on my yoga blog in an article entitled, Are you nervous? Ashtanga yoga cleanses the nervous system. The Ashtanga Intermediate Series purifies the nervous system; the Ashtanga Primary Series prepares the body for this effort. Deep forward bends are meant to be performed with the abdomen held in so as to concentrate on the nadis, sending the prana energy up the spine on its spiritual path.

I reach for Console when I crave patience, when I need to be calmed and emotionally balanced while I wait it out, when I need to invite uncertainty and universal plans into my heart in order to accept them, and then move and be from that place.

[If you want to try some dōTERRA® essential oils yourself, here are two ways to do it. 1) Shop here for retail purchases directly.  2) Join to get wholesale prices. Ships internationally.]


~ Robin Ellen Lucas, M.A.

