doTERRA Essential oils for anger management (Image © Yoga Robin®)Switching gears now from attractive scents that put me into a trans and draw me and others around me in to their elemental essence that listens. Now, I want to discuss dispelling anger and frustration...
anger and frustration
Normally, emotions are dispersed within me—swirling around or stagnant—covering most aspects of a given moment. Practicing Ashtanga yoga dissolves the chatter. This is especially true with sadness, anxiety, lack of confidence, worry about my children or money, and impatience with my life's unfolding. My ritual and love for Whisper™ that I discussed in my last post are a great example of how I can win over the trials and tribulations that life deals me; the scent lures me in the same way my yoga practice does, eurphoria leading the way.
Anger, however, is tougher to quell. It needs its ass kicked from a different angle. And then it can be bathed in that which is uplifting.
you are not a victim
Anger is a layer that protects vulnerability. It's a tough facade, an escapist protective blanket, allowing you not to really feel; you can be mad, vexed, irrtated, passive-aggressive, even humorous (with an edge) instead. These are the faces of anger. They can act in the background of everyday living—like a slow burn—and coat everything with an internal wish to cuss. It feels best to cuss externally.
There are essential oils that can help. I have four oils to discuss. I designed this sequence myself after studying the scientific effects from the oil spec sheets together with my yogic adventures, one breath at a time. These oils—as remedies—take me on an introspective, grounding journey that I can only trust as it's happening.
I start with Black Pepper—a couple drops on my tounge. This essential oil is reportedly good for addictions, smoking cigarettes in particular. Even though I'm not a smoker, here is my thought: the reason people inhale nicotine has to do with their nervous system's immediate need to dissipate anger and frustration. For this reason, I intuitively reach for Black Pepper. First. I also love the taste of it.
I add Cardamom to the mix as a scent under my nose—a process I repeat multiple times while breathing in the effects until I'm no longer feeling victim to confusion and nervousness associated with it. Anger is not who I am. I see it as a nuisance that has no choice but to express itself until it's been soothed. Cardamom is scientifically known for its properties to tackle anger.
renewing with aroma
By my own intuitive design, next I rub a grounding essential oil blend into my palms and chest, to breathe it in. The aroma moves through me, mind-body fully active. I sometimes put a few drops into my diffuser as well just to understand it better, as if to hear it speak to me directly. Its scent is not something I crave but it holds me; it smells of trees. I know that over time, as I associate it with the opposite of anger, I'll come to crave it at the immediate glimmer of anger.
This blend combines Spruce, Bergamot, Juniper Berry, Myrrh, Arborvitae, Nootka, Thyme, Citronella. It's called Forgive™ (Renewing Blend). Spruce is said to enhance meditation while uplifting and grounding. Bergamot soothes emotional stress. Juniper Berry purifies the body and spirit through love and peace. Myrrh promotes awareness. Arborvitae helps with spiritual guidance. Nootka is believed to open the heart to emotional clearing. Thyme is energizing in times of weakness and depression. Citronella is stimulating to the mind.
The Forgive™ blend reminds me to absolve resentment toward whatever it is that makes me feel a victim where I lack personal choices. As I become more grounded, I'm on my way to residing back in my true self of feminine creativity—which goes dormant while anger takes over. This forgiveness is important to cherish first.
best to combat with yoga
It's interesting to me to note that with most of the essential oils, I have my most enjoyable experiences with them while practicing yoga. My yoga practice becomes the vehicle. However, with anger, I'd rather be alone with this. I'd rather sit at my desk with my diffuser and work aimlessly on my computer for this experience. It's my nature of anger. Yoga is my place for bliss. I don't want to introduce it to my remedies for anger. That is not to say that when frustration arises in yoga that Ashtanga yoga doesn't help; in fact, it annihilates it!
What I'm saying is that I have a special affinity toward my essential oils. They are my friend. [Look at the photo at the heading of my web page]. Their healing does not define anger. That is why it's a difficult subject to correlate with mindful essences. But they work! Better than most things, in fact.
They work at the source of the nature of anger. They are its anti-reality, the elixir that contradicts it. They work on it through the power of that which you'd find in the forest. You know how you feel when you hike through the trees. You don't necessarily hear answers directly; you feel it. You know when your hike is over.
They find you on an unconscious level.
anger-free, time to uplift
Once I'm feeling ready, calmed, and tension-free, I reach for another essential oil blend which is a joy to my senses and also puts me immediately into a new frame of mind. It's like a hug from a loved one, or a demarcation of victory at the end of a challenge. It reminds me of that euphoric sensation while I'm sipping the first half of a glass of red wine. It's called Cheer™ (Uplifting Blend).
I rub this on my hands and wrists, breathe it in, and repeat if necessary. It's made of Orange, Clove, Star Anise, Lemon Myrtle, Nutmeg, Vanilla, Ginger, Cinnamon, Zdravetz. I'll discuss these oils in later posts as the next theme is undoubtedly cheerful.
It's amazing to me how these efforts transform me and prepare me to become myself again.
[If you want to try some dōTERRA® essential oils yourself, here are two ways to do it. 1) Shop here for retail purchases directly. 2) Join to get wholesale prices. Ships internationally.]
~ Robin Ellen Lucas, M.A.