sharing : essential oils
Essential oils are relaxing, aromatic, healing and balancing. Applied topically to the skin, taken orally or breathed in through a diffuser, essential oils are naturally-occurring, volatile aromatic compounds found in the seeds, bark, stems, roots, flowers, and other parts of plants. They can be both beautifully and powerfully fragrant.
doTERRA Citrus Bliss - Invigorating Blend, Arborvitae (Image © Yoga Robin®)In my case they are powerfully useful for healing and daily balance. My Mysore-style Ashtanga yoga practice invites me to go to my edge each morning, and with this tremendous practice I pair essential oils together with it for the maximum benefit.
I'd like to share the dōTERRA® essential oils and blends that I use and their effects. They have enhanced my life and made it more beautiful. This activity works 24/7 and goes way beyond my two-hour yoga practice. This will be a weekly resource as we follow my progression.
invigorating. transforming
As my first morning alarm goes into Snooze mode, I reach down to turn on my essential oil diffuser that I keep on the floor by my bed. I breathe in the scented steam—the selected oil chosen before sleep, set to circulate for 4 hours. There is a light too but I don't use it... I'm sleeping before I know it. I'm smiling in my dreams.
Citrus Bliss (Invigorating Blend), a blend of oils of creativity, resets me while I sleep. I thrive on creativity. Some people call it spaced out and special, others call it the activated right brain, while I call it being me. Since my days fill me with a layer of something other than me—a chatter, a worry, I need this infusion to reboot me to my true self.
It's best infused through the air. My skin is too sensitive to wear this one on my skin unless diluted. I prefer to breathe it in. Just because.
The blend contains Orange, Lemon, Grapefruit, Mandarin, Bergamot, Tangerine, Clementine, Vanilla bean extract. The citrus concoction is offset nicely with the sweet vanilla to ease tension, sedate and uplift from depressing thoughts. It brings peace and calm, and my dreams and restful sleep are proof.
I add Arborvitae to the mixture so that in my bliss, I am planting a seed. Arborvitae has a strong and earthy magical quality that instills a grounded trust in the way things are working behind the scenes in my favor. It helps me manifest compassionate ideals for myself and others, and gives me patience to watch them come true. It taps me straight into that state—with just a quick sniff. It connects with my spirit like no other. I see it as a perfect nighttime dream companion in this sense, dreaming alive.
It's also about sacrifice. It reminds me that success does not need to come through struggle, but instead can be received peacefully. It invites me to sacrifice my personal will. This notion is deeply in tune with my yoga practice, which I wake for at 5:00 a.m. each morning; inhaling this grounded surrender is a perfect way to wake up.
It is my goal to live a life that does not crave a vacation. I seek to indulge all day in my favorite sensations: uplifted mood, focus, joy, bliss, calm, console, balance, clear breathing, healthy skin, warmth when I need it, cool when I need it, spirit connection. The essential oils help me meet this end.
I also understand by experience what it's like to be thrown off from the ideal fantasy life, a.k.a. reality. I start my day with a morning ritual yet the course I set for my creativity and mindset sometimes get thwarted. It's a test of my human capacity.
What do you do when your exciting plans are foiled? Do you yell? Do you turn to alcohol or a drug? Do you escape and bail on your responsibilities? Or do you find a way to calm yourself quickly, find clarity and move forward with the most honest and careful action? Essential oils help me take a step back from my surprises and guide me back to my rightful path.
why CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade®
Whether I'm inhaling the diffused oils, putting them on my skin, or ingesting them, I prefer the best quality. Why not chose the best oils that are carefully distilled from plants that have been patiently harvested at the perfect moment by experienced growers from around the world for ideal extract composition and efficacy.
I incorporate natural solutions into my life. As I empower myself, I'd like to invite you to empower yourself too. If you want to try some dōTERRA® essential oils yourself, here are two ways to do it. 1) Shop here for retail purchases directly. 2) Join to get wholesale prices. Ships internationally.
~ Robin Ellen Lucas, M.A.