dōTERRA Wellness Advocate

For various reasons, I am now a dōTERRA Wellness Advocate.

There are no wasted efforts in nature. Scents serve specific purposes to a plant's survival. Scents are actually volatile aromatic compounds... protective, reproductive, regenerative. They help plants ward off unfriendly pests, attract friendly herbivores and help them heal from infection and physical injury.

Distilled directly from plant sources, essential oils are multifaceted agents that have seemingly endless applications toward our health and can be used aromatically, topically or internally.

Highest quality essential oils

Quality matters. Ensuring the maximum potency and beneficial properties of each essential oil are the result of maintaining the delicate balance at harvest: time of day, time of year or life cycle, geographical location, weather, method, and duration of distallation. It's important that the oils come from a trusted source commited to producing unadulterated essential oils but also adherance to the strictest production protocols.

There are no short cuts in nature, and neither should there be in the health of yourself and the ones you love.

Amazing community and focus on health

Other reasons that dōTERRA, the company (founded in 2008) inspires me are:

  • dōTERRA Essential Oils (single and blends) are a gift to the senses.
  • Founded by experts in the Essential Oils business with no outside investors.
  • Highest quality, Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® (CPTG).
  • Focus on health in the house and life overall.
  • Huge focus on education for all involved in selling the dōTERRA products.
  • Healing Hands is dōTERRA’s non-profit, and it’s funded by members, employees and the executives. 
  • Co-Impact sourcing worldwide, with selected locations where farmers have been harvesting for generations, paying them more than they deserve.
  • dōTERRA community is amazing.

Shop here for dōTERRA essential oils and products

Order here: mydoterra.com/robinellenlucas for CPTG essential oils and other products.


Here's a great video to describe the beauty and quality of dōTERRA:
