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ashtanga yoga


essential oils for soul: weekly scents and remedies, week eleven

Hormone balancing - Clary Sage, Clove, Ylang Ylang (Image © Yoga Robin®)

All about Hormone balance. Of course, it's best to stay in balance at all times, especially with your endocrine system. When something goes wrong, the effects are often times confusing, and can even allow your senses and intellect to get buried. Happiness and grounding become quite impossible. For this reason, being proactive toward hormone balance is the best bet.

Endocrine glands and effects

(Source: off my Healing Series)

Before diving into specific hormones that effect me and their essential oil and yoga remedies, first let me summarize parts of the endocrine system (a.k.a., your hormones).

Pituitary gland: Lying on base of the brain, it’s the master gland as it controls the release of hormones from other glands. It’s vital to our well-being



Essential oils for soul: Weekly scents and remedies, week six

doTERRA Console - Comforting Blend (Image © Yoga Robin®)

The next topic is on anxiety. Whether it rises its head in the physical body, emotional body or spiritual realm, calming it is the focus of much of integrative health. Stress and anxiety are known to be causes of disease and strife in life.

anxiety touches sacrifice, sorrow and fear

I touched on this topic of sacrifice with Arborvitae and Citrus Bliss, of allowing the creative feminine to be optimally expressive with Whisper™, of dissolving anger culminating with Forgive and of soothing an aching body with Deep Blue® since pain can breed anxiety through fears when you're in pain.

My favorite go-to essential oil for anxiousness is Console (Comforting Blend). It's a proprietary blend by doTERRA that's meant to soothe feelings of sorrow and grief and promote uplifting feelings of peace and hope.



Essential oils for soul: Weekly scents and remedies, week two

opening heart. uplifting senses.


Now we're on to the second week of my essential oil and yoga talk. I'm calling it a talk because it feels like an experiential event recorded on the internet, then discussed. I'm not an essential oil expert with years of laborious scientific study. I'm a yogini, an ashtangi, a healer, a feeler, an integrative medicine advocate. Essential oils are medicine and I'm their devotee.

I discussed part of my bedtime and morning ritual last week with Cirtus Bliss and Aborvitae. To continue...

doTERRA Whisper™ - Blend for Women (Image © Yoga Robin®)Each morning as I'm getting ready for yoga



Essential oils for soul: Weekly scents and remedies, week one

sharing : essential oils

Essential oils are relaxing, aromatic, healing and balancing. Applied topically to the skin, taken orally or breathed in through a diffuser, essential oils are naturally-occurring, volatile aromatic compounds found in the seeds, bark, stems, roots, flowers, and other parts of plants. They can be both beautifully and powerfully fragrant.

doTERRA Citrus Bliss - Invigorating Blend, Arborvitae (Image © Yoga Robin®)In my case they are powerfully useful for healing and daily balance. My Mysore-style Ashtanga yoga practice invites me to go to my edge each morning, and with this tremendous practice I pair essential oils together with it for the maximum benefit.
