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Ayurveda and Ashtanga Yoga: Balance and the Ego

Image © Robin Ellen Lucas

the study of inner space

Ayurveda is the sister science of Yoga. Mysore-style Ashtanga yoga is based on the principles of Ayurveda, since it is customized for each person. It is the study of the inner space within you and so too is a self-led Ashtanga practice where you listen to your inner voice.

The main goal of both Ayurveda and Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga (Mysore-style self-led practice) is to bring yourself to a balanced state. Each individual is unique, leading to varying definitions of what it takes to come into balance.



Sometimes the wall offers added security while learning

Image © Yoga Robin®

Sometimes the wall helps. My favorite prop.

When you want to get deeper and don't have a teacher to help you, or you are seeking some security, the wall can be a solace.

However, if you use it as a crutch (for too long), it will hold you back from experiencing your true potential. I like the wall in this half handstand pose for shoulder strengthening, and energy in legs pressed against the weight of the wall.


~ Robin Ellen Lucas, MA


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Find the right work-life balance: The key to happiness, health, well-being


Do you balance your life?

Are you a workaholic? Do you work extra hours because you really need the money, or do you believe your job really needs you, and that it's ok to take care of your job more than yourself? Or do you, for one reason or another, find yourself addicted to your computer whether it's work or personal?

Staying busy all the time does not help you

You do know that if you are working too much, you are acting like you are not very important.

Maybe, without knowing it, you are covering up something basic in your existence and doing it through your work. Staying busy all the time with a task that does not cultivate your soul can be like a drug that you continually allow to drive you. But you can beat it if you recognize who you truly are.

Nurture yourself

If you need rationale outside of yourself in order to ease up on workaholism, remember that no one really gets the best of you if you don't nurture yourself first.

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