Do you balance your life?

Are you a workaholic? Do you work extra hours because you really need the money, or do you believe your job really needs you, and that it's ok to take care of your job more than yourself? Or do you, for one reason or another, find yourself addicted to your computer whether it's work or personal?

Staying busy all the time does not help you

You do know that if you are working too much, you are acting like you are not very important.

Maybe, without knowing it, you are covering up something basic in your existence and doing it through your work. Staying busy all the time with a task that does not cultivate who you are can be like a drug that you continually allow to drive you. But you can beat it if you recognize who you truly are.

Nurture yourself

If you need rationale outside of yourself in order to ease up on workaholism, remember that no one really gets the best of you if you don't nurture yourself first.


Work a bit / play a bit, be with people / be alone, talk out loud / think silently, analytical / poetic, yin / yang.


Move your body to move your mind too as your cells flow through you to renew you. Stagnant or blocked energy can push through to expression. Allow your life force to regenerate and free you.

Eating habits.

Nutritional value of the food you consume, as well as the timing, fuel the kind of person you become. Drinking pure water often during the day is a tremendous boost. If you let blood sugar levels drop, or if you allow head rushes from too much stress get the best of you, you are harming yourself. Pay attention to the calories you intake, making sure they will get you through the day before it's too late. If you are not on top of this, unhealthy cravings appear along with routines to lead you down the wrong path.


Be honest and recognize if you are able to sit alone with yourself, hearing nothing but your own thoughts and be content. Can you just sit there alone, and eventually calm your thoughts? Learning to embrace silence is just as important as any other nurturing activity in your life. Set aside time in each day to do nothing but be silent and go inside yourself. Listen to yourself so that you can learn your magic that only you have the power to set free.

Social life.

Get out of your normal working routine and mix it up with friends to balance out your life. Better yet, do not even mention your work when you are socializing.


Take time to express emotions that come to you, whether they be desire, happiness or anger. Blow off steam with a healthy breathing routine, or run around the block. This can help you tremendously with anger management. Call a friend and have a good cry to release your spirit. Write a something creative, watch a sunset, or vacuum. Whatever it takes, whenever emotions arise... It's important to express in a healthy way.

Be easy on yourself.  Break rules sometimes.

Rules are meant to be broken, especially if you are used to following them. This holds true for your mind too. You don't have to be the perfect meditator, perfect parent, perfect yogi, or perfect anything. This article, in fact, about living a good life, can be relaxed. Have some vices or most importantly give yourself a break in order to meet the best balance!



© 2010 Yoga Robin®

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