Chakorasana is an asana in the Ashtanga Third Series (Sthira Bhaga) and also an exit for some of the poses in Third and also Second series.
Some words about Third Series from Kino Macgregor (paraphrased), "It is a devotional practice that burns through some of the deepest blockages that exist in the human mind and body. The true lesson comes when you move through that initial phase into a daily devotional relationship with the practice (i.e., when you feel good, when you feel just ok and also when you feel bad)."
burn out blockages
I do this asana approximately 27 times per week, both sides.
It burns out subtle blockages in the hips, strengthens arms, frees the neck and strengthens the core (bandhas). For me it's also a chance to work on my very tightest body part, my shoulders; it's a reminder to push them back in order to free my neck while keeping the strength to lift--a continual lesson for me in becoming flexible by doing it over and over again for years (and smiling at even the smallest amount of progress in my shoulder flexibility).
Most importantly, when the channels within me are open, my mind and body feel free, resulting in physical health, happiness and mental clarity.
~ Robin Ellen Lucas, MA