find your peace
Maybe it doesn't seem like it at times, but there is peace within you. Sometimes it's hiding on purpose, so that you cannot find it easily. Let's say you find the source of a problem and throw it out the window. But your inner chaos returns. Why?
Surrendering is a process. You need to believe that it relieves you. And then know that this action needs to be repeated.
But what does surrender even mean? Holding up a white flag? No, it happens when you emotionally give in to life's predicaments. Surrendering to your heart will silence your anger, maybe cause some teardrops, but definitely release stress.
Its other name is freedom.
forgive, write, move, clear
Forgive yourself. Stop your thoughts that spin out of control. Write a letter to your anger and then burn it, or send it to a friend so together you can laugh. Move your body—yoga with attention to breath is best—and clear the blocked energy. Don't forget to keep breathing. Close your eyes. Express yourself.
Transform unmet desires to find the true power fueling them. Drop down to the ground and bow for strength if you must (Child's Pose is a perfect yoga pose for this). Don't fear.
lessons hidden in chaos
You cannot ignore that you are human, and you have a heart, mind and emotions which speak. Sometimes loudly. Acknowledge it, be gentle and always find the blessings. There is much to be learned from chaos anyway, as what's really trying to get your attention rises its head, juxtaposed against the rest.
If by chance you have never felt the bliss of stillness, then it should be your next goal in life. Once you feel it,you won't go back!
If you leave a yoga class, for instance, before savasana repeatedly because
1) you're in a hurry
2) you feel your to-do list brain kick in
3) you are bored
4) you are too stressed to be still are missing the best part. The part you are missing is the silent clarity. Even 2 minutes can fuel your whole day.
Surrender to being you.
Model: Cora Varnes 2009, Location: Maui
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