Five-minute headstands
I used to do 5-minute headstands every day. They influence pure calm and also reverse the aging process, as the blood flow switches directions. Headstands require arm strength and balance.
Protect your neck
Staying up in a headstand at all costs is not a good idea though—the neck needs to be protected with safe technique.
I, indeed, learned the hard way. One morning I woke feeling hospital-bound; the day before I did a 7-minute headstand, and felt my shoulders sinking in the last 2 minutes but did not listen to my body. Sadly, I allowed my ego to guide me instead and injured my neck.
It was through the several weeks to follow that I remembered the articulate words of my austere—and very experienced—teacher. I remembered all of her demonstrations before headstands to properly place the hands, lift—pull-down, although inverted—the shoulders, setting up before inverting (and keeping that structure no matter what). I remember all of the partner exercises surrounding this. I also remember rolling my eyes, believing that I didn't need any of that "beginner instruction."
I was wrong. I did.
Act with a "beginner's mind"
Now, to this day I still do headstands, and I feel the bliss—even the next day. This is why I smiled when I read this article on "10 Reasons to do a Headstand Every Day". I've come so far in my yoga journey. My favorite benefits to headstands are:
- Reversing the flow of gravity simulates a “face lift” by letting your skin hang in the opposite direction.
- The inverted position flushes fresh nutrients and oxygen to the face, creating a glowing effect on the skin.
- Stimulating and providing refreshed blood to the pituitary and hypothalamus glands is vital to our wellbeing.
- Creating more positive thought.
- Improving circulation, as the heart—normally constantly pumping blood upward to the brain—gets a rest and also allows de-oxygenated blood to flow more easily from the extremities to the heart.
- Increasing digestive fire and increasing body heat, cleansing the intestines by reversing the pull of gravity.
- Strengthening deep core muscles, especially the obliques, the rectus abdominus and the transverse abdominus.
I'm all for the natural face lift, glowing skin, positive thought, improved circulation, improved digestion and stronger core muscles...
Cherish the lessons you learn
As a side note, I thank injuries and mistakes that I've made in my life as they've had the power to teach me so much, when I remain open to their blessings. It is during my headstands that I reflect most on this topic, and am able to chill in savasana.
© 2012 Yoga Robin®