Living yoga via hiking
Hiking on a sunny day... turning to sunset. It is my favorite time up on the mountain.
image @ Cora Varnes
I can watch the day sunlight culminate from warmth to secretive, from life-giving to artistic. With that change comes a change of heart too.
Hiking is a type of yoga for me, as I pay attention to my breath in the same way as I do on my mat. Living yoga outside of yoga class is the true test of a healthy yoga practice anyway. Hiking is part of having a well-rounded yoga life for me.
If I take an intention with me, it unravels with every step. I can even go through the various chakras as I climb, balanced together with music of the soul. What's most important in order for me to make my hike into a yoga adventure is silence—not necessarily inner silence but literal silence (i.e., no orating any words). This can be done with a partner as long as this is agreed.
Another important factor is breathing through my nose, using what we call in yoga the ujjayi breath. It is done throughout an Ashtanga practice. This breathing is done by making a sound in the back of the throat. Some people like to refer to Darth Vader from Star Wars when describing it. This is what you hear in your favorite Vinyasa Flow yoga class (when the music isn't too loud, that is...
At any rate, this is what I do while hiking. As the day turns to evening, I move with the sun and watch the stars come up next. I am a walking poem as nature becomes my teacher
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