Yoga kids

Children have a natural knack for yoga postures whether they know it or not.

image © robin ellen lucas

Many are dying to practice like many of the adults in our society now. Many of the schools offer after school yoga programs or even have yoga weaved into their P.E. curriculum. Yoga is spreading...

For teaching children yoga the biggest challenge is getting them to focus, stay still and be silent. So the strategy for teaching yoga to children is somewhat different than it is for adults. It also depends on the age group.

The younger children, up to age 10 (maybe younger for some) respond better to making yoga fun and not serious. They can still get the benefits of gaining strength, flexibility, and clearing out their minds.

They prefer to listen to energetic music and stand in a circle so they can all see each other. It is great to go around the circle and let each child take turns making up a yoga pose that mimics a certain animal (sounds included). The idea is to keep them together as one unit so that they remain engaged in the activity and enjoy it. Always keep the activity moving so that they pay attention. They can be taught the simple task of learning the yoga breath.

The older pre-teen group, and sometimes younger children who are more calm by nature, are ready for more authentic yoga (i.e., yoga that we would teach to adults). This age group is ready to focus and take in the benefits that yoga instills in an individual, such as peace and well-being. However, they need guidance, both verbally as well as physical demonstration.

Stay focused, have fun

It is a good idea to keep reminding them to breathe, and to try to keep their minds focused on their breath. They respond well to visuals so it is important to demonstrate the poses. It is also important to give each person individual attention rather than relying solely on generic detailed verbal instructions discussing the body parts geared toward the whole group. It is best to chose music that is calming, but add a little energy to the songs in the middle of the practice, particularly from their music genre.

All children are interested in wearing yoga clothes, especially the girls! So, keep this in mind when browsing through the clothing stores for purchases for your own children or for gifts.

image © robin ellen lucas


images © robin ellen lucas


© 2005-2012 Yoga Robin® (certified Rainbow Kids Yoga Teacher)

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