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In my blood: Cardiovascular system, the heart and its many facets

Koundinyasana B (Image © Robin Ellen Lucas)

In a song that keeps playing today, I hear my blood. It speaks of being inside my blood. From my yoga Healing Series on Cardiovascular System—combing through various anatomical systems, presenting the physiological, emotional, spiritual and yoga aspects—I am reminded that this was my favorite section. It was the last one; I saved the best for last, as the cliché goes.

It's all about the heart. Blood and plasma, protection from disease, effects of oxygenating the blood, emotional and subtle heart, unresolved traumas, yoga and the venous return to the heart, blood as a healing entity, blood circulation affecting the nervous system, traditional chinese medicine perspectives, somatic levels of changes, etc.

Back to the song:

"Every time I close my eyes I know that I'll wake up." 

We know that we'll wake up again each morning because our blood is flowing.

"I don't know how it happened, but you got into my blood. And I feel like you're lifting me up. Was it real or did I just make it up?"

It's real.

Read more here -> /cardiovascular-system/


Robin Ellen Lucas, M.A.



Digestion and emotions: Which brain do you use?


Galavasana (Image © Robin Ellen Lucas)Digestion and emotions are connected. The belly holds a lot of power. The power center is accessed by activating mula bandha and uddiyana bandha.

The vagus nerve connects digestive system / enteric nervous system in the gut to the central nervous system. Read more here about the digestive system and its anatomy. It's important to have optimal digestion to practice Ashtanga yoga, but also in life as its dysfunction can cause a ricochet effort on other anatomical systems and optimal subtle body health.

what you cannot see

Having said that, in this pose, Galavasana,



Sahasrara Chakra: Find spirit connection with seventh chakra

Crown Chakra, you are unspeakable.You connect me to the infinite world, where I know that your moments are made just for me.

Physically located at the crown of my head, you are like the candle flame that always burns, the one I cannot tell is you or me or we. ‪#‎chakrahealing‬ ‪#‎emotions‬ ‪#‎sahasrarachakra‬

(excerpt from "You Transfix Me: You Are My Chakras" Part 7 of series of 7.


~ Robin Ellen Lucas, MA
