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Benefits of Full-spectrum Infrared sauna


Each morning I go in my full-spectrum infrared sauna.

The near, mid and far infrared rays each have their own purpose. The near-infrared waves are the shortest wavelength and are absorbed by the skin the quickest inducing sweat that promotes detoxifying healing. The mid-infrared waves are a longer wavelength that can penetrate deeper into the soft tissues which increases circulation and releases oxygen to injured areas. The far-infrared waves are the longest wavelength that penetrate fat cells (vasodilation: fat cells vibrate to expel toxins). ⠀

Benefits include: increased metabolism, aid in recovery from muscle aches and pains, immune support as the heat accelerates the immune response, detoxification as blood circulation increases and works together with the stimulated sweat glands, reduction in cellulite, ease in joint pain and stiffness, stress reduction and skin improvements. ⠀

Color light therapy (chromotherapy) adds another level to healing depending on your color choice. I choose red, as it’s known as the great energizer and promotes cellular growth. Red links with and stimulates the base of the spine. Red stimulates sensory nerves too. ⠀

My main motivation is heat shock proteins which promote autophagy to flush away metabolic waste from cells.

I am a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach, taking online appointments. BOOK session here for guidance on root cause analysis, motivation, metabolism, nutrition, mitochondria, systems medicine, and more.


#functionalmedicine #autophagy #infraredsauna #injuryhealing #jointhealth #musclerecovery #immunehealth #sportmedicine #detoxification #metabolism #skinhealth #metabolichealth #musclebuilding #fmchc #functionalmedicinecertifiedhealthcoach



What happens after yoga class: Where do the toxins and emotions go?


capture who you are

After yoga?

What do you do after yoga class? You went, you opened, twisted, sweat and stretched it all out. You unleashed emotions and thoughts, and sealed it all in with intention in the end (savasana).

Do you then just go on with your day?

Yoga—if done mindfully—can create euphoria and bring you to your happiest self. It can also bring you to the opposite as it acts as a sort of catalyst to making you face your darkness, as all that you hold inside your tightest body parts rises to the surface and begs for your attention.

Yoga opens you

This happens without notice with yoga poses that open the hips and shoulders, abdominal twists and mainly yoga breathing (i.e., ujjayi pranayama). With yoga, you are not only wringing out toxins, but also releasing emotions and setting energy free...

Be with what you find

Whether magical or disturbing, you can capture the essense of all that comes up in your yoga class by working with it. You can write it down (to share or not),



The medicine of yoga and herbs

Energy or emotional boost

While hatha yoga stretches out your body, lubricates the joints, pumps blood and healthy fluids through your body while also reducing inflammation, what can you do—outside of yoga—to aid the process? When you could use an energy or emotional boost, a cool-down, or even stress management, how can you gain some holistic assistance?

