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How essential oils have enhanced my Ashtanga yoga practice and life

Image © Robin Ellen Lucas

why essential oils and ashtanga yoga?

When I first started to experiment with essential oils, I thought of their scent which brought to mind the emotional sparks that would be kindled within me. I began with the more well-known oils mixed in with my bubble bath. Lavender, Patchouli, Sandalwood, to name a few... When I was going through a challenging time, a friend insisted that I put some Frankincense on the bottoms of my feet and top of my head. I did as instructed and I didn't know why. I trusted.

Fast forward to years later... I now am quite the essential oils investigator extraordinaire. After stumbling upon a close friend's website while I was buying some of her artwork, my intuition clicked on the "essential oils" tab to dive into this deeper. What else was there to know? Why was I drawn to these little brown bottles of elixir and how could they shape my holistic health practices?
